Tree Removal

Do you have an old tree leaning towards your home, one that's been dead for many years, one that got a disease and is decaying or perhaps an otherwise unattractive tree that you'd like to no longer keep around? Call Rochester Trees to have us come out, evaluate, and eliminate it!

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Tree Removal

We recognize that you like your trees and the shade they provide over your patio, yet every backyard has one that simply must go. There are many reasons to remove a tree, so don't fret over your decision. Whether your tree has rotted from the inside out, is just unhealthy, or simply doesn't fit in with the landscaping you're trying to accomplish with your home, we have a solution for it!

Our experienced team is knowledgeable in safely getting rid of trees in almost any type of scenario you can throw at us. Whether it's leaning against your home, sprawling over your neighbor's fence line or wedged between two other larger trees, our knowledgeable team will tackle the situation with many years of experience.

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Tree Removal Advice

Do you have an unattractive tree in your lawn that you'd really like to see eliminated? Our skilled personnel at Rochester Trees will come to your location to evaluate the situation and provide you with an assessment of the tree along with best practices to take moving forward. In the end, your tree headache will be gone!

If a tree next to your home or area of business is old, worn out, and about to go off to tree heaven, you run the risk of the tree or perhaps some of its larger branches dropping onto your roofing or the side of the structure causing major damage. A heavy storm can easily injure or topple older trees. If your tree is unhealthy, the tree might be approaching the heavenly gates, or if it's diseased, could spread to other neighboring trees.

Whatever the reason you have for needing the tree to be vanquished, the skilled specialists at Rochester Trees can safely remove it, with cleanliness in mind. It is extremely dangerous to try tree removal yourself. Our tree experts have eliminated many species of trees from numerous situations, and they bring the most effective equipment for the job to get rid of the trees safely in the most reliable manner possible. An arborist will have on hand the equipment essential to alleviate tree nuisances such as eliminating those bothersome branches looming over your next-door neighbor's fencing.

For those of you who've found us from down under in Australia, be sure to check out our friends at Tree Lopping Hobart for your tree removal needs.

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You’re not going to hit a ridiculously long phone menu when you call us. Your email isn’t going to the inbox abyss, never to be seen or heard from again. With Rochester Trees, we provide the exceptional service we’d want to experience ourselves!

Rochester Trees
(248) 290-6343

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Rochester Hills

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(248) 290-6343
Rochester, Michigan
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