Tree Pruning

Rochester Trees cannot live without trees. Rochester is made more beautiful with its sprawling park grounds and tranquil suburbs through the presence of healthy trees. They may always be in the background, but any landscape isn’t complete without them.

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Tree Pruning

We cannot live without trees. Rochester is made more beautiful with its sprawling park grounds and tranquil suburbs through the presence of healthy trees. They may always be in the background, but any landscape isn’t complete without them.

When we think of trees, people tend to relate it to thick foliage found in forests. But trees should be in the same vicinity as people. This is for our benefit.

Trees provide air, soil and ground stability, and flood prevention. You can say that they are our living walls of protection from destructive forces like erosion, flooding, and heat.

In any urban community, trees also provide property value and charm. They hold memories of our childhood and have borne witness to important events in our community.

We at Rochester Trees understand the important contributions of trees to our neighborhood. In fact, our city has just celebrated a festival that not only portrays our excitement for the coming holidays, but also how everyone appreciates trees. With all the sparkling décor, trees become exciting and colorful. And without the trinkets and lights, they represent regeneration, peace, and calm.

On the other hand, trees can be destructive, too. Dead limbs have the danger of falling on people and property especially during tornadoes or heavy rainfall. Older trees may become imbalanced and can fall down on its side with the excess weight. Also, long limbs may reach roofs and clog gutters when leaves or bark are shed.

It’s definitely not right to just remove trees, however. There is a way for trees and urbanization to go hand in hand without being a nuisance to each other, and that is through professional tree pruning.

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What Is Tree Pruning?

While tree trimming is primarily focused on improving a tree’s looks, pruning is so much more than that.

Tree pruning is the practice of properly removing branches from a living tree to encourage healthy growth, avoid hazards, and make it more aesthetically appealing.

Tree pruning helps trees grow into the form and structure your space requires without having to compromise its life and health.

This process should be done by experts, because mal-pruning is entirely possible when untrained hands overcut or improperly trim branches.

That’s because trees, like any other living thing, can also get stressed. When a tree’s health starts to decline rapidly and abnormally, this condition is called dieback.

What Is Dieback?

Dieback is the term used for the negative effects caused by careless hacking and cutting.

When trees are stressed, they can grow in unhealthy conditions and suffer from premature rotting and death. This condition is called dieback. It can also be a response to stress caused by insect attacks, unhealthy environmental conditions, or worse, improper cutting or pruning.

Dieback can occur on branches and twigs, but can also affect the whole tree. Before this happens, it’s best to call on the tree service experts.

Benefits Of Tree Pruning

Because trees are important, one should not only look at how the tree would look like immediately after it’s pruned. Long-term health and growth are valid concerns as well.

Let’s look at the benefits of tree pruning.

  • 1. Pruning helps trees grow stronger and healthier

    Trees allocate energy and resources into its limbs, branches, and leaves, including the ones that are almost dead or infected by insects or disease. Removing these dead weights (literally) will help the tree not waste its health by allocating resources into the healthy parts you left behind.

    As your tree grows stronger, it will live longer and provide its shade and oxygen to everyone for years and years to come.

  • 2. Pruning removes hazards both in the short and long-term

    If your tree is blocking or even potentially blocking out pathways, roof gutters, speed signs, or worse, power lines, don’t wait any longer. Call the experts and avoid damage to your property, your tree, others, and yourself.

    And please don’t try to attempt cutting the tree yourself. A lot of injuries and accidents have been caused by non-experts attempting a DIY. Among these are insect bites and allergies, cuts, eye injuries, and falls. We are not even starting with the possibility of electrocution.

    Remember, the whole reason for pruning the tree in the first place is public safety, and injuring yourself would definitely defeat that purpose.

  • 3. Pruning makes trees conform to the ideal form and structure of your space

    When trees are pruned, the way it is cut encourages it to grow into the direction you want. This is very ideal as you want to control where those tree limbs grow into, making sure it doesn’t obstruct objects in the future.

    Again, this can only be done if the right cut is done to the tree’s limbs.

  • 4. Pruning makes trees more aesthetically appealing

    Real estate experts know that a well-kept yard with healthy, towering trees give beauty and privacy, thus adding property value.

    Buyers like the cool shade, better air quality, and noise reduction benefits that trees bring to a home. But they wouldn’t be interested if the trees aren’t well-kept.

    There isn’t any reason not to prune trees. But as mentioned above, not just anybody can do it.

Why Rochester Trees

Hiring the professionals at Rochester Trees ensures you that:

  • 1. The right equipment is used to prune your trees

    Different situations call for different kinds of equipment, and Rochester Trees have them. Their well-trained staff will assess your tree’s situation and use the right tools for the job.

  • 2. Pruning is done with safety as a priority

    Along with the right equipment comes the right technique in pruning trees. We make sure that felling does not cause accidents or damage to you, to others, or to property. You’re guaranteed that we follow safety procedures from the assessment right down to the cleanup.

  • 3. Trees are pruned or trimmed in the right season

    Unbeknownst to many, there is a right season to prune trees. It is when the sap’s circulation slows down and the whole tree isn’t doing anything much. If you cut a limb and expose too much sap, it will attract a whole lot of bugs and insects that might bring germs and allergens into your home.

    A tree with less sap circulation also dries or heals up quickly.

  • 4. The right cut is done

    Tree trimming is not just a matter of whacking the ends of those branches. If you do this, you might just end up causing destruction to both the tree and your surroundings.

    This is in fact, the very definition of mal-pruning.

    Risking life and limb (pun intended), some people try to trim trees on their own. However, some cuts make limbs grow exponentially faster, stimulating more shoots to come out. So their attempt actually makes the situation worse, with the tree now looking wild and messy.

    Another consequence of DIY tree pruning is dieback. You don’t want the tree dying, you want it pruned.

    When these happen, people end up hiring a professional anyway.

    There are different types of cuts to achieve the end result you want in a tree, and our experts are knowledgeable in these. Rochester Trees’ certified service professionals know how to make your trees look natural with the right technique and the right amount of cuts.

    They also know how to create that clearance you require for your garage, lawn furniture, or pedestrian lane.

  • 5. We do our job not just for the sake of it

    The certified professionals at Rochester Trees understand that it’s not just a job, it’s a passion. We love the environment and our community, and providing professional service at affordable rates is our way of doing both.

    Our end goal is always to keep both the customer and the tree happy.

Get A Free Quote

Get a free quote now and put your mind at ease. We are:
  • certified experts
  • knowledgeable
  • properly equipped
  • fully insured
  • safe
  • fast
  • reliable
  • reasonably-priced.
We offer free-in home tree pruning estimates. Trust Rochester Trees for pruning. You won’t regret it.

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Rochester Trees
(248) 290-6343

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