Rochester Tree Service
Certified Experts

A.W.D. Tree Services, Inc. is your local Tree Service contractor in Rochester, Michigan. We are dedicated to bringing you the highest quality Tree Service at the most affordable rates.

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Our Tree Services

Let Rochester Trees help you with issues you may have with your trees.

Do you have a tree that needs to be removed? Do you need it done right away?

Or you do you just need some limbs cut to eliminate hazards?

Rochester Trees will prioritize you and take out that tree or the limbs in questions whether it’s dead, perilously hanging up above, or brittle and dangerous.

These hazards might be looming on you, your family, your property, or even your neighbor’s property especially if it’s already leaning or splitting apart.

Our tree felling methods are safe and well-planned. We have strategies we can apply for difficult situations, as well as the equipment to get the job done right.

Rest assured we will do this task responsibly and with all precautions in place. You’ll feel the weight lifted from your shoulders as we remove that wood off of your property.

And for a truly complete removal, we offer stump grinding services as well.

Remaining tree stumps are not just an eyesore but a potential danger, too. Not only can you trip and fall because of it, they’re potential hiding places for pests like termites, beetles, and carpenter ants.

Have that stump ground by Rochester Trees so you can use that cleared out space for your other projects.

If you want us to dig the stump out, we can do that, too. Stump removal would eliminate not just the stump but the roots underneath the soil, too. You won’t have to worry about it getting in the way of your pipes.

Sometimes, a tree just needs to be moved. Tree planting or transplanting done by a tree expert ensures a higher rate of survival. You’ll give us two thumbs up for our green thumbs.

Another worry you might have is storm cleanup. If your yard is littered with fallen branches, or your driveway is blocked up by a tree felled by a recent storm, trust Rochester Trees to turn your yard back into the pristine condition it once was.

We don’t just clean up the tree debris, we’ll help your trees recover with the right care and maintenance strategies.

Sometimes, it's not the storms that cause the mess but simple overgrowth. If your property gets unruly, Rochester Trees can provide brush hogging and land clearing to make it cleaner and safer for both you and your animals.

Do your trees have serious health issues? Just like people, trees can get sick, injured, and diseased.

And just like people, your trees would need a specialist.

Our tree surgeon will administer the needed treatments so it can recover from pests and infestations, giving it the tools to survive many more years to come.

Don't be fooled by the title. Tree surgeons are not men in white coats.

Who you'll be seeing is a knowledgeable and skilled tree worker armed with a chainsaw and climbing spurs. He wears protective gear and is dedicated to saving your tree if he can help it.

He is a certified and educated arboriculturist who has studied tree management.

He will inspect your tree, and if needed, climb, prune, trim, or remove it. He may apply preventative tree care maintenance techniques like tree trimming or crown thinning if necessary, especially if there's a storm prediction or frost warning.

If the tree is diseased and he can save it, he'll provide insight on its current condition. He will also recommend methods to nurture it back to health.

One specialty tree surgeons do is cabling and bracing. In order to save a tree that may be splitting, leaning, or hurt by a pest, the use of cables and implements to prevent further damage can be done.

If needed, Rochester Trees can also provide your trees fertilization and root protection. These tree maintenance services are what will make your land or yard explode with life.

One of those solutions is mulching. Rochester Trees can turn felled trees directly into wood chips that are great organic mulching material for your trees and plants. Our equipment allows us to mulch that wood where it is felled so that there's no need for hauling.

These wood chips can be used for other purposes, too. From pathways to wood pulp to raised garden bedding, chipped wood is helpful, practical, and chemical-free material.

Another great option would be to turn that felled tree into firewood. Light up that wood stove, fireplace, or outdoor wood furnace, and watch your electricity bills go down each month. Firewood is handy, too, for barbecues and bonfires.

Rochester Trees Services

Tree Removal Rochester

Tree Removal

Trees are precious and provide so many good things for us and the environment. However, there comes a time when the disadvantages outweigh the benefits and you're left with no choice but to have it removed.

You may be facing problems like a dead or unhealthy tree or encroaching roots that endanger the foundation of your home. Your tree may have a dangerous lean towards your property or your neighbor's, or it has leaves and branches that continuously damage your roof or gutter (or theirs). Or you may need that space it's occupying for construction.

Whatever your tree circumstance is, you need a qualified professional to do the job right.

We can come to your rescue. We have ISA-certified arborists who can assess the situation and give you sound advice. If tree removal is the way to go, our highly trained crew will remove that tree for you safely and efficiently. We are experienced and equipped, and we clean up after ourselves. We are knowledgeable in local ordinances and we can pull the permits.

So don't wait until the problem escalates or your neighbor calls you out. The best time to do tree removal is before it has caused major damage that may compound your bills and headaches.

Stump Removal Rochester

Stump Removal

An old stump sticking out from the ground may look harmless at first, but can become a nuisance over time. Not only is it unsightly, but it may be taking up the area you need for something else. It may also be in the way when you're mowing the lawn, or the whole thing with its protruding roots may be becoming tripping hazards for the family.

Those are only the things you can observe from the outside. What you can't see happening inside is that it may be becoming a bug and termite habitat that can endanger your family, home, and other vegetation.

Get rid of that headache by calling us. We promise to remove that tree stump completely so you won't ever have to look back at it again.

We are experienced with the different types of techniques and methods in removing tree stumps as we are aware that the job's level of difficulty will depend on the type and age of the tree. Whatever method we apply, nothing will be left as we dig up all its parts from the ground including those far-reaching roots plaguing your property.

You don't have to worry that your yard would look horrible during the job. We work swiftly and with little disruption as possible to your everyday life.

Tree Cutting Rochester

Tree Cutting

Cutting down a tree is not as simple as many people think. It involves a thorough inspection, a clear-cut plan of action, and the application of years of experience. Sometimes, it's an easy in-and-out job. But sometimes, it involves hard-to-access parts of suburban property where homes are closely adjacent to each other.

Many factors affect the job of cutting down a tree. That includes the height, kind, age, and health of the tree. We also need to consider permits, adjacent properties, and statutory right of way county ordinances.

That's why you need to call on us, the experts, to do the task properly and safely. Our tree experts are up-to-date with the latest state and county laws on tree cutting and removal. We also have bonded and insured arborists for your protection as well as ours.

As a tree company, cutting is one of our specialties. Whether it involves an open forest or close or tight spaces in between a shed and a house, we have done it all before. Our equipment range includes a skid steer, a crane, and a bucket truck for those more difficult jobs. We even have machines that have rubber tracks to protect your lawn and yard.

Clearly, the best results can only come from the tree experts.

Stump Grinding Rochester

Stump Grinding

Some people interchange stump removal with grinding. There is a clear difference between the two.

Stump removal involves going into the ground and completely unearthing the stump of the tree and all its roots.

Stump grinding, on the other hand, is less intrusive than stump removal. In this process, workers use a grinder machine to turn all visible parts of the stump into wood chips. There may be some parts of the tree left underground, but none of them will be visible aboveground after the work is done. We will try to reach as far as we can, and we'll fill that hole back up with mulch or soil.

These machines have large and powerful circular saws that make quick work of any kind of tree stump. They can come in either handheld lawnmower-like contraptions or attachments that can be fitted to a skid steer or small tractor.

Since grinding is easier to do, it doesn't take as much time as stump removal does. And to answer the most asked question we get about it, no, the tree does not regrow after stump grinding.

So the decision is ultimately up to you. All your options will be laid out to you after the inspection so you can make the best-informed choice for your situation.

Tree Trimming Rochester

Tree Trimming

When you need to enhance a tree's shape to make it attractive and fitting to your landscape, you need professional tree trimming services.

Tree trimming is an acquired skill. Not everybody with a saw can just hack away at a tree and call it trimming. Add to that the odd and funny shapes that some make, and you're in for a disaster. This is because branches cut badly will grow into hideous sprouts that will make the tree look horrible in the long run.

Thus, the person who does the trimming should know how limbs would regrow and how to apply the right cuts.

We often get asked about estimating services. Prices for tree trimming vary by tree height. This is because taller trees require the use of safety equipment due to the risk. It also involves climbing and equipment, which also means that the person climbing has to be adept and skilled at them. Compare that to smaller shrubs and trees that are a lot quicker to do.

So if you have a problem with tree overgrowth, professional tree trimmers can solve it best. An expert can thin trees to make them look more even and balanced. In the end, your trees will look natural and beautiful.

Tree Pruning Rochester

Tree Pruning

While trimming is concerned about a tree's overall appearance, pruning is focused on its overall health.

Tree pruning also concerns itself about the tree's beauty, but pruning primarily protects the tree against pests, diseases, and excessive damage from disastrous weather. Pruning also promotes robust growth by removing dead or diseased limbs that might affect the other parts of the tree.

If you have fruit or flowering trees, pruning is the way to go as cutting off the right branches will encourage flower production and fruit yield.


Many of our clients opt to have us inspect their trees before storm season comes. They are wise to do this as they have proven that it significantly reduces the chances of getting their property damaged by unsafe trees.

There are also optimal points in a year where a tree should be pruned to get the effect you want on season. These points will depend on the species you have.

It takes the wisdom of an experienced arborist to achieve what you want from your trees. They are an investment not just on your property, but on the environment as well. With a certified arborist's help, your trees will be visibly healthy all year round.

Tree Surgeon Rochester

Tree Surgeon

Many clients who approach us seek professional risk assessment and restorative work by our resident tree surgeons. They do this because they have damaged or diseased trees that could be potential risks.

These trees may have hollow trunks, visibly decaying limbs, splitting, or other clear signs of rot. They may be harboring pests or starting to lean dangerously.

At Rochester Trees, we try to save trees as much as we can because we believe that they are important assets for everyone. Cutting or removing the tree is not always the solution. We can apply cables and braces, fertilizers, pesticides, or other methods to restore the tree.

However, that's not just what tree surgeons do. They also plant, cut, trim, prune, and fertilize a tree. If this confuses you with an arborist, know that a person can be both. An arborist needs formal education to be certified, while a tree surgeon banks on his extensive experience on the field to be effective.

At Rochester Trees, we have both tree surgeons and certified arborists on our roster. All of these experts are ready to deliver high quality tree work at your call.

We are accredited by the original and the most respected tree company association in America: the Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA).

Wood Chipping Rochester

Wood Chipping

One great way of using felled trees, stumps, and shrubs is by wood chipping. This can be done right on your property. We can bring in our wood chipping machine and transform those unwanted twigs, leaves, and limbs into something useful and practical for your yard. By doing this, you're helping the environment by keeping them out of our landfills.

Wood chips provide a lot of uses and benefits. They prevent weeds from sprouting where they're applied. They enhance the soil and plants by encouraging water retention and nutrient transfer. They also prevent erosion and keep the temperature steady during extreme weather.

Because of the breakdown of natural wood, these chips cultivate beneficial organisms for the ecosystem. And on top of it all, they're easy to use and inexpensive.

But not all kinds of wood can be transformed into wood chip mulch. We need to be careful to inspect the wood before chipping as we don't want to spread pests and tree diseases through infected chips.

There are certain organisms, such as some fungi, that are harmless and do not have an effect on either soil or surrounding plants. If there is concern about their safety, they can be aged before application. Our experts will inform you if the chips pose a threat to your yard rather than helping, and we will help you discard them.

Chopping Firewood Rochester


Rather than wood chips, some people opt to reclaim wood as firewood.

Our area has some of the most preferred hardwood types that burn slowly and with a pleasant smell: oak, maple, apple, and birch. They light up a cozy warmth on fireplaces, pits, and even grills.

The quality of the fire is affected by the kind of firewood you have. New wood cannot be used right away but need to be dried for a few months. At this point, it still qualifies as green wood, indicating its freshness. The more beneficial firewood is dry- either through seasoning or kiln-drying. Dry fuelwood is very light and bug-free. They don't dirty up your chimney as much and leave little ash in the pit.

The advantage of firewood is that it is a renewable resource. Trees grow and continually provide us with this source of fuel. Moreover, most firewood come from old, felled trees and stumps that were going to be discarded anyway.

Firewood usually comes in 16-inch lengths but can be trimmed down into smaller sizes per request. If you have a roofed, storage area, we can keep them there to season for later use. If you need kiln services, we can refer you to an affiliate.

Storm Cleanup Rochester

Storm Cleanup

The aftermath of a storm is when most people crank up a chainsaw for the first time to try to get some form of control over the chaos. Unfortunately, statistics also show that this is where these people often get injured or electrocuted.

Hand over the reins to a professional tree service company and keep yourself and your family safe.

Consequently, this is also the time when we are most busy. People are calling left and right to get their properties cleared of damage most especially if there's another weather front looming on the horizon. Good thing we have complete equipment and several crews to take care of our clients.

If you have the chance, it's best to hire a tree service contractor way before an impending storm hits. You could gain a lot of benefits even with a simple inspection and consultation of your area. The goal is to minimize, if not eliminate risks of property damage and power line entanglements by evaluating your trees.

Some of the pre-storm work we have done is for HOAs that are concerned for their neighborhood's safety. And that's a practical choice, too, as it is more inexpensive per household to get this type of group service.

Tree Felling Rochester

Tree Felling


It is thoroughly satisfying to watch a tree go down safely when they need to be cut. The methods we use may be familiar to some as we use chainsaws, axes, wedges, and ropes a lot like how lumberjacks did in the old days.

But what doesn't get highlighted is the amount of safety preparation now being applied to those methods. Tree felling is now safer than ever before with higher safety standards and precautionary techniques. Add modern precision equipment to that and we have virtually eliminated the possibility of injuries on the job.

Aside from using safety gear such as boots, helmets, and PPEs (personal protective equipment), the all-important inspection and tree evaluation is done to determine a tree's condition. We have modern equipment such as different forestry attachments to our skid steer that make felling easier. Some of these are cutter heads, clamps and pullers, and stump buckets. We also have a camera drone and a lidar (laser scanner) for safer tree evaluations.

We constantly update ourselves with the latest in tree felling methods and technology to deliver the best service to our clients. With the amount of knowledge we have, we can determine the best way to fell a tree with utmost safety.

Preventative Tree Care Rochester

Preventative Tree Care

Most people don't call tree companies until after disaster hits. And that's a sad fact as many forms of property damage can be avoided by proper maintenance of trees.

Ice can make limbs heavy and lean on wires or roofs. Overgrown branches may make trees lean dangerously. Wrapped roots may suffocate a young tree and cause its slow decay. On the other hand, overgrown roots may interfere with foundations and utility pipes or cause cracks on roads and pathways.

These are all addressed by a comprehensive tree care program. Regular checks are done to find problems with trees that may compound in the long run. Irregularities are corrected as early as possible for disaster prevention.

Another aspect of preventative tree care is providing the best possible growing conditions for your existing trees. This is where services like pruning and fertilization are utilized. It wouldn't matter as much if your trees were in a dense forest heavy with natural mulch and soil nutrients. But most trees that need care now are located in urban areas where homes and buildings are located where the amount of nutrients and resources aren't as abundant.

A preventative tree care program may sound simple, but it has a vast positive impact on trees and the community.

Our Dedication to Quality

We may cut trees, but when it comes to service, we don’t cut corners.  While others aim just to make a quick buck, Rochester Trees makes sure we only give you the best service for your hard-earned dollars. 

One of the kinds of jobs Rochester Trees does is correcting the mistakes done by illegitimate door-to-door service providers who scam innocent folk, especially the elderly.  These unsolicited contractors ask for money upfront, do a poor job with your trees, and then leave without even cleaning up after themselves.

And then they disappear.

Rochester Trees’ people are certified and knowledgeable.  We will always comply with county and state regulations on tree care.  And we don’t ask for full payment for work that’s not yet done.

We deliver on our promises every single time.  You know where to find us, you know where to call.

You’ll be glad to hire us again.

Call Today For Your Free Tree Services Quote

Our Commitment to Safety

Even if we can afford the best and newest gear out there, Rochester Trees puts emphasis on training and handling.  Every single member of our crew adheres to OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) standards. 

Standard courses for each team member include hazard recognition, safe work procedures, special tree care techniques, proper equipment operation, and first aid.  It’s also company policy as well as their obligation to brush up on the knowledge every now and then.

Our work may involve heights, proximity to power lines, proximity to busy roadways, lifting heavy objects, and other similar hazards.  

We also utilize equipment that can be potentially dangerous to the untrained, such as portable power tools, bush hoggers, and wood chippers.  All of these are properly maintained for optimum performance.

There are times when we are called upon to perform work during not-so-ideal weather conditions.  Icy, windy, or rainy job days are not uncommon.

That’s why every tree worker we have is in proper health condition and prepared to face assignments with a clear mind.  We also have a buddy system to ensure that no team member works alone.

We never underestimate situations that may look simple.  We always calculate risks and take the safest route.

We do it so you won’t have to put yourself on the line and risk injury, fall, or electrocution.  Usually, our job is quite dangerous, but our fully-insured workmanship guarantees you peace of mind and protection. 

Just leave it to us, the professionals.

Our Passion

Being a tree service company allows us to directly make a positive impact on the environment.  One of our goals is to save as many trees as we can.  We’ll provide thorough site and tree inspections and give you your options.  We don’t have to remove it if we can save it.

Rochester Trees is committed to providing green solutions for your tree situation.  Although we are adept at both, we prioritize the use of natural substances before chemicals depending on your requests.

Your tree’s health is our concern.  We will not hack away and wound those limbs.  We’ll take out only what’s necessary so it’s trimmed, robust, and looking good.

Ask us how to best take care of it so you can take advantage of all its benefits.

We also encourage the use of your felled trees to reduce landfill waste.  We promote good practices because it’s beneficial to all.

Our Promise

It’s all for you.  Your trust is our reputation, your satisfaction our pride.  You can depend on Rochester Trees from beginning to the end of your project.

We will courteously listen, thoroughly inspect, patiently explain, carefully execute, and meticulously clean up.

Our aim is to leave you without a drop of doubt about our capabilities, so that when you think of quality tree services near you, think of Rochester Trees.

Call us today (248) 290-6343.

We serve Rochester and Rochester Hills and nearby areas.

Talk To A Human

You're not going to hit a ridiculously long phone menu when you call us. Your email isn't going to the inbox abyss, never to be seen or heard from again. With Rochester Trees, we provide the exceptional service we'd want to experience ourselves!

Rochester Trees
(248) 290-6343